Patent Information

In accordance with the virtual marking provisions of various jurisdictions, including the virtual marking provisions of the America Invents Act, the following charts identify representative products that may be protected by various patents in the US & elsewhere. Certain products also may be covered by related international patents, or related pending applications.

  • Belden
  • GarrettCom
  • Hirschmann
  • Mohawk
  • PPC
  • Thinklogical
  • Tripwire


Belden Cable & Connectivity Patents
Belden Part Number(s) Representative US Patent(s)
10GA22  | 10GA24  |  10GA24A  |  10GB24  |  10GB24C  |  10GB24D9991030  |  10236099  |  10832833
10GX32  |  10GX33  |  10GX447772494  |  7838773  |  8030571
10GXS12  |  10GXS13  |  10GXS32  |  10GXS339697929  |  9991030 |  10236099  |  10832833
10GXW129991030  |  10236099  |  7897875  |  10832833
10GXW139991030  |  10236099  |  10832833
10GXW52 | 10GXW53 | 2412FS | 2413FS10236099
1281S3  |  1281S5  |  1281S6  |  1281S6C  |  1282S3  |  1282S4  |  1282S5  |  1282S6  |  1283S3  |  1283S5  |  1283S6  |  1505S3  |  1505S5  |  1505S67049523
1585A  |  1585B7015398
1694S3  |  1694S5  |  1694S6  |  1700S6  |  1701S6  |  1801BS4  |  1801BS6  |  1855S3  |  1855S5  |  1855S67049523
2161PA  |  2413  |  3613  |  48137015398
500PTZ  |  501PTZ  |  502PTZ  |  503PTZ  |  504PTZ  |  538AFS  |  538AMS  |  558AFS  |  558AMS  |  558ANH  |  558GMS  |  5788AV  |  600PTZ  |  601PTZ  |  602PTZ  |  638AFS  |  638AMS  |  658AFS  |  658AMS  |  658GMS  |  6788AV7049523
6663U5  |  6663U67015398
7851A  |  7852A  |  7927A 7838773
7878S  |  9451PS4  |  9451PS67049523
AngleFlex® Patch Panels753413 
AV5EUP  |  AV6UP  |  HC2500P  |  HC2510P  |  HCTP53P  |  HCTP6P7015398
DOSP6U |  DOSP6AU9991030  |  10236099  |  7897875  |  10832833
DOSP6F | DOSP6AF10236099 | 78977875
HC2651R  |  HC2652R  |  HC2653R  |  HC2820P  |  HC2820R7049523
IBDN® Cat6+ Traceable Patch Cords7221284
IBDN® Cat6A Patch Cords9697929
IBDN® Cat6A Patch Cords9697929
IBDN® Cat6A+ Traceable Patch Cords7221284  |  9697929
Iconolast™ Balanced (XLR) Cables9293239  |  9748022
Iconolast™ Speaker Cables9589704  |  10079081
Iconolast™ Unbalanced (RCA) Cables9455070
IFLEX  |  ILAN5 CMP  |  ILAN6 CMP7015398
IOP6U | IOP6AU9991030  |  10236099  |  10832833
IOP6F | IOP6AF 10236099
KeyConnect® Angled Patch Panels|  6866541  |  8187027
GarrettCom Patent Information
Representative Marks/Products Representative Product Image(s) Representative Part No(s) Representative US Patents
PES42: PoE Power-Source Edge Switch with 4 PoE Ethernet Ports System.String[] PES42P-ff-48VDC PESD42H-ff-48VDC PESD42P-ff-48VDC8,902,760  |  9,019,838
PS14: 4-port 10/100 Mb PoE Switch System.String[] PS14H-48VDC PS14P-48VDC8,902,760  |  9,019,838
6KL: 10-port Managed Edge Switches with optional 8 PoE ports System.String[] 6KLP-48VDC P6KL4-RJ45 6KLP-48VDC PP6KL4-RJ458,902,760  |  9,019,838
6KQ 16-port Managed Edge Switches with optional 8 PoE ports System.String[] 6KQP-48VDC P6KQ4-RJ458,902,760  |  9,019,838
6KQE 10-port Managed Edge Switches with optional 4 PoE ports System.String[] 6KQEP-48VDC8,902,760  |  9,019,838
6KM 10-port Managed Edge Switches with optional 8 PoE ports System.String[] 6KMP-48VDC P6KM4-4M128,902,760  |  9,019,838
6K16(V) 16-port Managed Edge Switches with optional 16 PoE ports System.String[] 6K16(V)-48VDC P6KP7V-xxxx 6K16(V)-48VDC P6KP8V-xxxx 6K16(V)-48VDC P6KP6V-xxxx8,902,760  |  9,019,838
6K25(e) 26-port Managed Switch with optional 24 PoE ports System.String[] 6K25(R)e-48VDC P6KPXV-xxxx 6K25(R)e-125VDC P6KPXV-xxxx 6K25(R)e-2AC P6KPXV-xxxx 6K25(R)e-2DC8,902,760  |  9,019,838
6K32 (T.F) 32-port Managed Switch with optional 32 PoE ports System.String[] 6K32(F/T)(R) -48VDC P6KPXV-xxxx 6K32(F/T)(R) -125VDC P6KPXV-xxxx 6K32(F/T)(R) P6KPXV-xxxx8,902,760  |  9,019,838
10KT 36-port Managed Switch with optional 32 PoE ports System.String[] 10KTP(R)-XXX 10K4P-RJ45 10KTP(R)-XXX 10K4PX-RJ45 10KTP(R)-XXX HSPM-L...8,902,760  |  9,019,838
10KG 24-port Managed Switch with optional 16 PoE ports System.String[] 10KGP(R)-XXX 10K4PX-RJ45 10KGP(R)-XXX HSPM-L 10K4PX-RJ458,902,760  |  9,019,838
10XTS Router Terminal Server with 4 optional PoE ports System.String[] 10XTSP(R)-xxxx 10K4PX-RJ45 10XTSP(R)-xxxx HSPM-L 10K4PX-RJ458,902,760  |  9,019,838
PSE Devices
Representative Marks/ProductsRepresentative Product Image(s)Representative Part NumbersRepresentative US Patents*
MACH104 Ethernet Switch & Media Module with PoE System.String[] MACH104-20TX-F-4PoEP-x  MACH104-16TX-PoEPx M1-8TP-RJ45 PoE 8,902,760 9,019,838
MACH 1000 Switches with PoE System.String[] MAR1032-CCTTTTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAR1032-4TTTTTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MAR1032-4OTTTTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8,902,760 9,019,838
SPIDER Ethernet Switch with PoE System.String[] SPIDER 1TX/1FX-MM PD EEC SPIDER 1TX/1FX-SM PD EEC SPIDER Giga 2TX PoE EEC 8,902,760 9,019,838
SPIDER II Ethernet Switch with PoE SPIDER II 8TX PoE 8,902,760 9,019,838
OS24/32 Ethernet Switch with PoE System.String[] OS24-1012001MT5T5-TFFZ999HHSE2 OS24-081000T5T5TFFUHB OS32-081602T6T6TPEPHH OS32-081602T6T6TPE 8,902,760 9,019,838
MICE PoE Media Module System.String[] MM22-T1T1T1T1SZHH MM22-T1T1T1T1SYHH MSM42-T1T1T1T1SZ9HH9E99.9 8,902,760 9,019,838
RS Ethernet Switch with PoE System.String[] RS32-1602O6O6SPAEHFXX.X RS32-1602OOZZSPAEHFXX.X RS22-0800S2S2SPHEHFXX.X RS22-2400T1T1SPAEHFXX.X 8,902,760 9,019,838
OCTOPUS Ethernet Switch with PoE System.String[] OCTOPUS 8M-8PoE 8,902,760 9,019,838
RSPE Ethernet Switch with PoE System.String[] RSPE37-24044O7T99-SPPV999HHHE2 RSPM22-4T14T1SZ9HHS999.9.99 RSPM22-4T14T1SV9HHS999.9.99 8,902,760 9,019,838
GREYHOUND PoE Media Module System.String[] GMM42-TTTTTTTTSV9HHS999.9 GMM42-OOOOTTTTSV9HHS999.9 8,902,760 9,019,838
PD Devices
Representative Marks/ProductsRepresentative Product Image(s)Representative Part NumbersRepresentative US Patents*
SPIDER Ethernet Switch System.String[] SPIDER 5TX PD EEC SPIDER 1TX/1FX-MM PD EEC SPIDER 1TX/1FX-SM PD EEC 8,155,012 8,942,107
OpenBAT R (or) F Wireless Access Point System.String[] BAT-RUSW99AWW99B07T1S999ZHXX.X BAT-RUSW99AWW99B07T1S999ZHXX.X BAT-RUSW99AP9F9AO7T1S999ZHXX.X BA 8,155,012 8,942,107
BAT450 Wireless Access Point System.String[] BAT450-FUSW99CW999AT699T9999HX BAT450-FUSW99AW999AT6T6T999ZHX BAT450-FUSW99AW999AT699T999ZHX 8,155,012 8,942,107
Mohawk Patent Information
Product Representative US Patent(s)
5e LAN® Plenum (CMP)7015398
6 LAN™>/sup> Plenum (CMP)7015398
6 LAN™ Plus Plenum (CMP)7015398
AdvanceNet® 6e+ UTP Plenum (CMP)7015398
Cat 6A Small Diameter (CMP)9697929  |  9991030  |  10236099 |  10832833
Cat 6A Small Diameter (CMR)9697929  |  9991030  |  10236099  |  10832833
GigaLAN 10® Cat 6A UTP Non-Plenum (CMR)7772494  |  7838773  |  8030571
GigaLAN 10® Cat 6A UTP Plenum (CMP)7772494  |  7838773  |  8030571
GigaLAN® 6E UTP Plenum (CMP)7015398
MegaLAN® Plenum (CMP)7015398
Spectrum® Plenum (CMP)7015398
Visit the PPC Patents page for full details.
Visit the Thinklogical Patents page for full detail.
Visit the Tripwire Patents page for full detail.